Chadi Nabhan

Clinical trials and cancer health disparities: RWE vs. RCT

During the 2019 Annual Healthcare Disparities meeting hosted by the Binaytara Foundation (Seattle, WA), I lectured on RWE and attempted to get the audience to see how it can compliment RCTs. Indeed, I suggested that RWE can help in low and middle income countries and can, to some extent, mitigate healthcare resource disparities. This video was taped in April 2019 and at the time, I was an EVP and CMO at Aptitude Health.

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Can we move on?

Every so often, my cynical self emerges from the dead. Maybe it’s a byproduct of social media, or from following Saurabh Jha, who pontificates about everything from Indian elections to the Brexit fiasco. Regardless, there are times when my attempts at refraining from being opinionated are successful, but there are rare occasions when they are not.

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The Death of Cancer: Book Review and Reflections

Interviewing Dr. DeVita was a dream coming true; I interviewed him for my podcast and wrote a book review for the HealthCareBlog on his “The Death of Cancer” book. Dr. DeVita is a pioneer of lymphoma and is an icon for every oncologist, so having him on my podcast was an honor I will never forget.

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Chadi Nabhan, MD, MBA

Dr. Nabhan has been podcasting for years. His first podcast “Outspoken Oncology” started in February 2019 and won him two communication awards especially with dedicated coverage to COVID-19 when the pandemic started. That podcast retired in the summer of 2020 and Dr. Nabhan currently hosts two podcasts:

Healthcare Unfiltered: unedited and daring podcast tackling all aspects of healthcare hosting thought leaders from all over the world addressing timely and relevant debates that are important to everyone in the healthcare industry

HemOnc Pulse: Started in December 2022 and is dedicated to hematology and only hematology. Dr. Nabhan hosts thought leaders in the field of hematology discussing recent updates, new published research, debates, and asks questions that are essential to clinical care. This podcast is sponsored by Blood Cancers Today and SOHO.

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