Keto Diet Debate 2021: Good or Bad?

In this important and timely “Healthcare Unfiltered” podcast episode, I host Ethan Weiss and Kevin Bass to debate the merit of the so-called “KETO diet”.

The world of nutrition can get complicated, but everyone probably has heard about the Keto Diet. I invite both physicians to explain to us what the keto diet is; what are its merits; why should anyone go on a keto diet; are there side effects and repercussions; what happens to your cholesterol and overall health? all these are important questions and you can find the answers once you listen to this lively, fun, and excellent debate.

I also invited Dr. Aaron Goodman who in fact decided to go on the keto diet; he will share his experience with all of us and you’ll know from him if his diet worked or it didn’t. We start with a history of the “Keto” diet and how it has transformed into a popular diet for weight loss, what goes into the traditional Keto diet and how to do it effectively, the controversy surrounding the diet, and whether it is associated with adverse health effects, reasons to follow and not follow the diet, and numerous misconceptions about low-carb diets in general.

This is one episode you don’t want to miss, and as always, please let me know what you think. subscribe, hit the like button, and tell your colleagues and friends.