Episode 77: Debating Evidence-Based Medicine in the COVID-19 Era

This is a MUST LISTEN. I took a back seat as the host and gave the microphone to Dr. Saurabh Jha, one of our favorite guests and who is a sophisticated radiologist in Pennsylvania. He was the guest host for this episode that featured Adam Cifu, MD, internist in Chicago, and Michel Accad, MD, cardiologist … Read more

Episode 74: Cancer Patient Caregiver Reaction to COVID-19

Anita Gruninger, RN and certified case manager, discusses the difficulty of not being with her husband when he receives cancer treatment due to COVID-19, argues that “family” and “visitors” need to have different definitions when it comes to hospital visitation as well as exceptions that should be made for critically ill patients, and more.

Episode 73: Volunteering at the Epicenter of COVID-19

Ethan Weiss, MD tells his story of volunteering to treat patients in NYC during the COVID-19 outbreak, including expectations of the work he was to do in advance of volunteering, adjusting to a new hospital environment, deciding to chronicle the volunteering experience and subsequent work, and the viral Twitter picture he posted on a crowded plane as he flew home.