Episode 89: A Day in the Life of an Editor-in-Chief With Nora Disis

Chadi invites Mary L (Nora) Disis, MD, editor-in-chief of Jama Oncology, to learn the ins-and-outs of what it takes to be the lead editor of a highly prestigious oncology journal. She shares what went into her decision to accept the editor-in-chief position and help launch the journal in 2015, what goes into her thought process … Read more

Episode 88: Gender Discrimination and Harassment in Academic Medicine With Pamela Kunz

Pamela Kunz, MD, director of the gastrointestinal cancers program, Yale University School of Medicine, divulges the subtle microaggressions and power differentials that she and other women experience as they find success in academic medicine, including public undermining of leadership roles and challenges of establishing relationships with pharmaceutical companies for research grants. She explains how she … Read more

Episode 86: Live From Beirut – A Crisis Within a Crisis

Chadi brings on two Lebanese doctors living in Beirut to discuss the tragedy that shook the nation earlier this month. Zakia Dimassi, MD, MHPE, and Mohamad Ali Cheaito, MD, recount their first-hand experiences of the moment the explosion happened, how poorly enforced COVID-19 safety regulations exacerbated the health crisis before the explosion and will likely … Read more

Episode 85: The Opioid Crisis – What’s Going Right and What’s Going Wrong

Benjamin Davies, MD, Professor of Urology, University of Pittsburgh, shares the facts behind the true devastation that the opioid crisis is inflicting on the US; the blame that pharmaceutical advertising, inappropriate prescribing, and formulation of drugs have on the opioid crisis; the origins and early warning signs of the crisis; and whether there is data … Read more

Episode 80: Gender Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity in Medicine

Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, scholar in residence, school of medicine, Stanford University, discusses “stereotype threat” and the challenges that women face when training to become surgeons, methods of researching gender inequity and bias in medicine, and bias against foreign medical graduates.

Episode 50: Evidence-Based Medicine: What Does it Really Mean?

I have been a fan of John Mandrola, MD for years, and I am not exaggerating. He is a cardiac electrophysiologist at Baptist Health (Louisville, KY) who truly understand clinical medicine but I have yet to meet someone as patient-centric as John. He visits with me on the podcast and explains how all medical evidence … Read more

Episode 35: Humanism in Medicine Through Patient Stories With Sayed Tabatabai

Sayed Tabatabai, MD, a full-time nephrologist and avid writer emerged as a social media sensation when he started sharing humanistic stories in medicine based on his own experience as a physician but also with his own family members. Sayed humanizes and beautifies the patient experience through a variety of written anecdotes in Twitter threads and … Read more

Episode 30: From Academia to Startup CEO With Sekar Kathiresan

Sekar Kathiresan, MD, sits down with me to discuss his unique career path from esteemed cardiologist and physician-geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital to co-founder and CEO of Verve Therapeutics. Dr. Kathiresan discovered a way to predict risk of developing heart attacks even in patients who don’t possess risk factors. He founded this startup to discover … Read more